Thursday, November 15, 2007

Enrollment week--let's talk price

At the big Kindermusik International conference in October, I heard a long-time Kindermusik educator speak on cost comparisons of common early childhood activities. She made the excellent point that with Kindermusik, all your costs are up-front. You pay once and you're done for the whole semester. Many other activities, she pointed out, sound less expensive than Kindermusik at first, but then other costs pop up: a special recital tutu or outfit, for example. Or a uniform. Or supplies fee. Or....If you compare Kindermusik against the total cost of many other activities, it starts looking like an even better value, especially when you consider the phenomenal benefits quality music education offers to each child.
And, if you register your child for Spring '08 semester by Dec 1st, you'll receive a free Kindermusik CD as my thanks!

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