Monday, November 12, 2007

Hey, Kids, It's Spring 08 enrollment week!

Ready to enroll? Here's my lovely enrollment poster, sported by my favorite Kindermusik graduate and an all-around great kid, Jacob.

Does talking of Spring enrollment annoy you just a little bit, when there is still Halloween candy around your house, you've got a Thanksgiving meal to contend with, and don't even get me started on all the holiday hullabaloo lying ahead?

Well, I sympathize. Seems kinda early to me, too. I KNOW, trust me, that there's a lot going on, and that's exactly why I bring it up now, before December really hits.

Enroll for Spring Semester by December 1st for your FREE early enrollment gift: A professionally-produced, oft-asked-for, fun-for-everyone Kindermusik CD!

It is continuous re-enrollment, not just one semester, that really reveals Kindermusik's benefits to your child's growth.

Click here to enroll online:

1 comment:

Heidi Day said...

I Love the notehead guy!!!!