Monday, June 30, 2008

Turn up your volume and enjoy

Many thanks to my friend Heidi, in Texas, for this one!

I heart this photo

I think I'll stay six forever and ever

Wings fluttered. Antennae bobbed. Feet danced. Treasures were hunted. Songs were sung. Cupcakes disappeared. Real live butterflies were released, after pausing on Leah shoulder to thank her for her weeks of care before they joyfully fluttered up over the roof of the house. We even had a visit from Dr. Needlebaum, who looked just the tiniest bit like daddy, the completely inept butterfly specialist who gave our young guests many opportunities to correct his understanding of the butterfly life cycle. ("...and then the calculator...." "Noooo! It's a catapillar!")

It was a great birthday party. Many thanks to all who came. A million thanks to my mother, who conceived and executed an idea for the wings which was much more complicated and wonderful than what I was going to do.

Later, when it was quiet in the backyard and we were sitting around enjoying the paper butterflies floating above us and making queerly convincing shadows on the patio, Leah, still sporting her wings and antenna, spontaneously decided to recite for us the A.A. Milne poem. I didn't even know she had memorized it.

When I was one, I was just begun.
When I was two, I was nearly new.
When I was three, I was hardly me.
When I was four, I was not much more.
When I was five, I was just alive.
But now I'm six, and clever as clever,
and I think I'll stay six now forever and ever.

If only.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Full speed ahead.

My soccer players just finished their season, and I'm proud of all three of them. In this photo, Jacob's coach is telling everyone how great Jacob did and how much he improved over the season, which was absolutely true. And it wasn't just that he got a little bigger and taller, though that may have helped--it was because he worked really, really hard and practiced a lot. My buttons are popping.

I love everything about this photo of Leah running. It captures this stage. Note the delicate pinky finger extended. The flying ponytail. Her number, which she chose so it would match her age. Not for long...on Friday she turns 6!
Her daddy was her soccer coach this year, lucky kid. He's a WONDERFUL coach, kept it fun and lighthearted, and generally kept a gaggle of kindergarteners running in the right direction. I'm so proud of him. In this photo she's getting her medal with Justin and another coach, Mario.

Kindermusik graduates

Oh my, it's been so long since I've blogged. Just when I'd really made it a habit, too. A habit I intend to pick up again when I get to the other side of this move!

Just wanted to share with you this photo of my wonderful, talented, beautiful Kindermusik for the Young Child students. One child had to leave early, but this is a photo of the rest of the graduating class from Semester 2. Love them all. Miss them! (Well, except the one in blue. I get to take her along. Lucky mama I am.)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Flower Fun

Have your children click on the black screen. Better yet, click and drag! Have fun!