Thursday, March 6, 2008

And now for something entirely different

Friends, I found out on Monday that this summer we are moving to Dayton, Ohio. My husband is an active duty Air Force officer, and he's being transferred from here (the Pentagon) to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. He's getting a terrific job, and I'm terribly proud of him.

It's hard to move. Leaving friends, my children's friends, and my Kindermusik business. Uprooting. Packing up. Starting over. There are friends I can hardly even look at without crying. Argh.

It's exciting to move. New adventure. Get to pick out a new house, research the schools and neighborhoods. Get to plan and dream and surf, surf, surf for info. Get a fresh start.

It's a surprise to move. We had been told that it was virtually impossible for Justin to be transferred this summer, and yet here we are.

It's an old, familiar tune. I have moved 19 times in my life. That doesn't count those little moves in college from one dorm or apartment to another. That doesn't count any short-term moves for training or deployments. I didn't even count the move from one house to another in the same town in that number, even though it involved a moving truck. 19 times. I was a military brat, and then I was active duty myself for almost 6 years, and then I've kept moving as the spouse of a military man. This will be move number 20. I know this drill better than I know anything else.

My kids are getting pretty savvy, too. That's been a great help in this week of adjustment to the idea of going, to see how my children are handling it--they are very capable of focusing on the positive. I'm very proud of them. In so many ways.

This should be the last Air Force move. And then, we think, Justin will retire and we'll move to where we'll live for good. Forever! We imagine that place being the pacific northwest.

But in the meantime, Ohio. I really like Ohio. I like Dayton. Classic small American City. Lots going for it, including a not-too-inflated housing market, so Justin and I have been looking online for a house to buy. Very fun to see what you can get in Dayton, when you're used to what houses go for in Arlington, VA. We feel like kids in a candy store. We hope to go for a house-hunting trip soon.

So, friends, I wonder if you'll come with me as this blog transitions from thoughts on early childhood music education, child development and parenting, and becomes something a little more personal, about a family moving and what we discover along the way.

Still on a journey, humming a tune.

1 comment:

Heidi Day said...

What tune are you humming, I wonder? I would like to see your playlist sometime. :-)

I am proud of you, amazed at you, and glad to be a part of this journey from afar. At least I won't have to say goodbye. It will be so hard for those Arlingtonians (is that what you call yourselves?). They have a great loss to go through. Even without seeing your classes in action, I know you are a great teacher. Very sensitive, lots of heart, lots of passion for music, and lots of love. While Arlington loses, Dayton wins. You will do well. With your attitude, I just know you will.

I selfishly wish Justin had been transferred to Dallas. That's a bummer.

Have a good weekend and keep humming.