Thursday, May 22, 2008

Family Music for Grown Up Tastes

Here's the list:

Great selections here. There's a part of me that says, but wait, does every children's song have to appeal to the grown ups in the house, too? Some stuff ought to be just for the kids. Of course, I'm saying that as a Kindermusik educator, and as someone who, I've noticed, can listen to children's music longer and more happily than most other adults can.

But what I really think, is that really good music transcends age. The best children's music isn't "aimed at adult tastes," nor is it cloying, over-simplified, and poorly produced. Good children's music is good music.

I feel exactly that way about good children's literature--anyone would enjoy reading it. It's a good story with good characters, regardless of your age.

1 comment:

Heidi Day said...

I love reading books aimed at the pre-teen crowd. They are really GOOD. My current favorite is The Conch Bearer and the sequel, Mirror of Fire and Dreaming. My son and I are impatient for the third book in the trilogy.

I so agree with your comments about children's music. Kindermusik music is so pleasing and so satisfying.