Wednesday, May 21, 2008


As in Maud Hart Lovelace. Lacey is a name all four of us really like, and it smoothly rolls off the tongue, and doesn't she just look like Lacey is her name? Once again (as all the names we've seriously considered), Leah came up with it. That kid has an understanding of what makes a good dog name. She's also devoted nearly every waking hour to the project....

We are taking a rather silly but very fun family trip to Ohio on Thursday and Friday next week. We're going to sign all the paperwork to close on our house, and then it will really be ours! Morgage and all! Woo-hoo! We get to walk through the house after signing (for the kids and me, it will be our first time), and the current owners have offered to tour us through the yard and show everything they've got planted out there. I can hardly wait. (Silly because we easily could have had the papers mailed to us, and saved us all the trip. But we didn't want to be spared the trip.)

And, as we drive back, we're going to stop in the little Ohio town where Lacey is currently hanging out with her mom and littermates, and meet her, too. What a great day.

We'll pick up Lacey for good on July 9th, the day we drive to our new house just ahead of the moving truck. That's bound to be a big day, I'll wager.

1 comment:

Heidi Day said...

Yep, big day. I am so glad you are keeping us posted on this big adventure through your blog. Wish I could be there to help you pack. I'd bring you an apple pie, one of my specialities!