Friday, February 8, 2008

Discerning differences in versions of the same song

In a reflective mood, an older child may really enjoy this game: play this radio piece comparing many different versions of Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata," and see what subtle differences you can discern among them. This kind of listening discernment is a game we play in Kindermusik classes all the time. We're helping children build listening skills that not only enhance their musicianship, but are called upon every day in school--literally, children are asked to discern subtle differences in sounds (language arts, foreign language), and metaphorically, children are asked to make distinctions throughout the curriculum, and in Kindermusik they have practiced that framework.

For a younger child, try finding online two different covers of a famous old standard your family enjoys, and talk about the differences in the versions.

My kids got a big kick out of hearing the differences between "Lydia" as sung by Groucho Marx, and "Lydia" as sung by Kermit the Frog. High art around here, I tell you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.