Tuesday, April 15, 2008

How much supervision?

This woman's point of view really interests me. While the adventure she allowed her 9 year old son is beyond what I would have allowed, I do truly get what she's saying. I'm striving to find my own balance on the topic of how much freedom children need. I'm aware that I have fallen into a pattern of seldom letting my children do anything on their own--not always because I'm genuinely concerned for their safety (they are both sensible, aware kind of kids), but sometimes, if I'm really honest, because I'm afraid for myself, of the shunning reaction from other parents if I cut them loose on a mild adventure with boundaries, the kind I had in scores as a child. To summarize, I was not always in my parents' line of sight. Far from it.

Check this out: http://freerangekids.wordpress.com/

I'd love to hear your thoughts.

1 comment:

Heidi Day said...

THIS is interesting. I am going to really get into this website. I believe this stuff! I put my 13 and 10 year old children on a plane last summer to see grandparents from DFW to Portland, OR (granted, it took 2 years of begging from my mother-in-law, but I finally relented). It was a wonderful decision, turned out. My daughter is also going to Juarez this summer on a missions trip....both of the above have gotten raised eyebrows from friends and other family members.

I could go on....this has got me excited!