Tuesday, October 14, 2008

National candidates in Dayton, OH

Several weeks ago, my son attended Senator McCain's rally here in Dayton, where he announced Governor Palin as his running mate. My son's very cool teacher, who is teaching about the elections, somehow secured VIP tickets for 23 third graders. It's true: I learned who the GOP running mate was from my eight year old! It's interesting to live in a battleground state in an election year, where your chances of seeing national candidates in person are very good.

Well, on Thursday, Senator Obama also had a rally, and the 3rd grade class couldn't go this time. So I decided Jacob and I would have a little field trip of our own. I took him out of school, and he, my father and I went downtown to the Fifth Third Field and joined the enormous line that snaked around the building. I wasn't sure we'd get in, but we did. Jacob and I cheered, clapped, ate peanuts, waved our American flags, bought campaign buttons from a vendor outside the ball field, and had a great time. I'm so glad we went. We decided he's one of a very few people in Dayton who have been to both campaigns' rallies.

My father was visiting from Washington state, and he decided to come along with us. This added an interesting element to the field trip. as my father is a life-long conservative Republican. Of course he was the good sport and gentleman that he always is. He did have a couple of sarcastic comments just loud enough for me to hear, and he spent a good part of the rally working a crossword puzzle, lest I should think for a moment that he was drinking the Kool-Aid.
The photos are actually on his camera, which I don't yet have. I'll try to post them soon.
It was a good day. And now I have this excellent fashion accessory from now until Nov 4th.

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